Who is Arnold Bosman?
Often I am asked, where are you from? In other words: how did you get started? Where did you get your first money? Then I reply: "it doesnt matter where you come from, its where you are going thats important."
In the past I started like so many others with a newspaper district. As a young boy I traded in rabbits, pigeons and chickens, later on mopeds and again later cars and motorcycles.
15 years I have been a car company owner which went very well. Here I was no longer interested in. Then I started trading in mobile homes which I still do nowadays with pleasure.
In between I made the jump to real estate. This jump to real estate has certainly not been easy in the beginning. It is the world where the comma stands in a different place, the world of larger amounts and before you're taken seriously it takes a few years with ups and downs and money lost in lessons.
In retrospect it has its advantage that as a young man it wasnt always that easy, then you know also what a euro is worth and you act on it. I can say about myself that now I am reasonably experienced and remain with two legs on the ground. Also in economic good times, I'm did not go to the panache with the former merits. I chose more for quiet, safe and soundly investing, and investing in good lettable properties on good locations.
In doing so I developed, in that time, knowledge about the real estate industry and about the banking rules. Why is an object merchandise and another is not, why is one object financable and not the other? Each object must be crystallised in itself to see what the possibilities are. Also, I've learned more during this period than ever before to be selective with the people I work with. In doing so, there should be a click.
This journey I traveled as a private investor and afterwards with success recently as a commercial real-estate man.
I have done many things in the past that I could not finance at that time. By doing it together it was nevertheless a success. By sharing we could multiply.
Questions that are asked regularly:
Why running a company with your own name?
I stand for what I say and do. Not one or other fictitious name to hide behind if it for some reason is not going well.
Why do you always need more money if it goes well?
Very simple, it never stops. You are always looking for opportunities. Today you still hold sufficiently liquid, tomorrow you get a chance where you've never heard of before. It always comes unexpectedly and it never comes at a goodtime. Trade you do when it crosses your path, also the amounts are too large. It is the law of large numbers. The comma is more to the right.
Why work from home?
The Home Office still works well and because of this I have no overhead costs. I have no 9 to 5 mentality: evenings and weekends I'm (mostly) accessible. In addition, I always have everything at hand even if I work in the evenings or in the weekends.
Why not a beautiful leaflet or documentation?
A clear website which gives the first general information seems, to me, to be sufficient. Other questions and/or suggestions are talked about in a personal interview.